Growing marketers’ digital skills for the Government Communication Service

Since 2010, we’ve led a team of trainers delivering a suite of half-day and full-day courses on digital and social media skills for central government communications staff.

It’s been thrilling to help more than 2,500 members of the Government Communications Service to develop their digital skills.

We’ve delivered courses all around the UK covering social media for PR, digital marketing, agile digital project management, digital engagement for policymaking and crisis communications. Our team brings broad-based experience and credibility earned from years working in and around the public sector. We get strong, positive feedback – and we continue to iterate our course content from delivery to delivery.

Ultimately, our focus is on helping participants to develop practical skills appropriate to their role and experience and embed those skills after they leave. Our mobile IT suite of Chromebooks and independent wifi enable us to incorporate practical exercises and simulations into our sessions, almost regardless of location and IT constraints.

We bring the theory to life, with exercises challenging participants to craft tweets, Facebook and Instagram posts, and planning strategies for social media.

How could we help you?

Talk to us informally about how we approach this kind of work, ballpark budgets and timescales – or just to help you refine your brief: email [email protected]