Tallie Proud

Head of Content

[email protected]

Tallie is Head of Content.

She leads on developing content for the crisis exercises, training and webinars we deliver including videos, scenario development and graphic design.

Tallie believes in empowering clients by sharing her practical knowledge of these topics in training courses, webinars, social media audits and 1-2-1 coaching.

She frequently delivers crisis exercises and has trained hundreds of government communications officers in crisis communication. 

Her experience includes a wide variety of digital and creative topics including social media strategy, graphic design, web development, accessibility, campaigns, advertising and content production. 

During her 10+ years of working in digital roles, Tallie has worked with the award-winning Digital Team at the Church of England and Digital Candle, providing free advice for charities. 

Tallie has a BA in Photography from the University for the Creative Arts.

Tallie’s digital interests and specialisms include:

  • Photography and graphic design
  • Developing social media strategies
  • Channel audits and reviews
  • Social media analytics

Tallie’s featured projects: 

  • Social media review and channel mapping for the Department of Education
  • Digital skills training for the UK Government Communication Service
  • Managing monthly crisis validation exercises for a major energy client