5 ways to show some digital love in the workplace

Digital tools help to make us all more productive and empower us to work from anywhere. Well, mostly, but not always.

Digital tools also enable us to show our appreciation for each other – the people we manage, the people we work for or with – in lots of different ways.

Not everyone is motivated by a pat on the back and I’m sure most of us would love to receive a personal email. But that isn’t always possible or appropriate.

Here are 6 ways you can use digital tools to show appreciation at work:

1. Thank your colleagues in a post on LinkedIn

A post puts their work in context, tags their profile, and it promotes them in to your network. More personal and special than an endorsement or recommendation.

Example of someone writing praise for a colleague on LinkedIn

Praise (Yammer) or tag (Workplace, Slack) colleagues in posts on other channels. Remember that a little goes a long way, especially if that person is otherwise having a bad week.

2. Profile people and their work on your official social media channels

I’d bet any money that when you profile staff and their work, these posts are some of your most engaging. A win-win for your colleagues and your customers.

3. Checkout on Amazon

To reward a colleague for a job well done or hitting a difficult deadline, check out their public wishlist on Amazon and buy them a gift they really want. Search Amazon wishlists.

4. Go almost analogue

If your colleague works remotely and you don’t fancy rummaging around their wishlist why not send them a simple postcard instead? Touchnote means you can design and send a postcard anywhere in the world for less than £3.

5. Capture the good work

It’s nice to build a record of great teamwork over time. For this nothing beats Trello. You can build cards for projects, add photos from events or workshops, link to examples and share comments and memories, as well as valuable feedback. Trello boards can be public for all the world to see, or just for select colleagues. See creative examples of Trello boards


Featured photo by rawpixel on Unsplash
