Ayla Miller

Digital Account Executive

[email protected]

Ayla is a Digital Account Executive. 

Ayla is involved in client-facing projects, from Helpful webinars promoting best practices for an enhanced social media presence, to crisis simulations. 

As a recent college graduate from UC Santa Barbara, she uses her Bachelor’s degrees in both Cultural Anthropology and Communications to take an adaptive and thoughtful approach in her client relationships. 

By understanding the importance of communicating what makes each client unique, Ayla strives to equip team members with the tools they need to confidently and impactfully share with their digital audience whatever it is that makes them special.

Ayla places great value on maintaining a people-first mindset and is dedicated to fostering comfortable and empowering relationships between clients and their online spaces. 

Ayla’s digital interests and specialisms include:

  • Creating captivating social media content
  • Identifying and implementing cultural nuances
  • Feed and media aesthetics