Crisis simulation exercises and benchmarking
Nous proposons des scénarios réalistes pour nos clients partout dans le monde afin de les former et de leur faire gagner en confiance dans un environnement sécurisé et favorisant l’apprentissage.
- More services like this:
Crisis support
Training and good practice workshops
Crisis plan review and readiness assessment
Training and exercising needs to be practical, with credible scenarios and practical tasks using realistic digital replicas – press conferences and media interviews are just part of the picture. It’s crucial you validate your teams and your plans against the real-world challenge in ‘peacetime’, so they’re ready to handle whatever comes their way.
A simulation keeps a scenario private and secure, and helps the team learn, trying new approaches or strategies and getting feedback in a supportive environment.
Notre plateforme de simulation innovante permet à vos équipes aussi bien de s’immerger dans un scénario de crise aiguë reproduisant une pression interne et externe réelle que de se confronter à un incident impliquant une hausse soudaine des sollicitations client. Nous reconstituons vos canaux internes, réseaux sociaux mais aussi médias traditionnels pour permettre à chacun d’interagir et de répéter son rôle dans un cadre fictif et confidentiel.
Our world-leading Social Simulator™️ platform is a hands-on, private digital environment that enables realistic and interactive simulations. It help brands protect their reputations online and enhance their digital crisis resilience.
How our simulations work
Ahead of time, we shape a challenging, realistic scenario based on real-world issues/risks, including simulated media reports, emails, calls, social media posts and imagery.
We prepare powerful injects, from green-screen news bulletin videos to mock memes and influencer posts.
On the day, we’re generally in teams (physically or virtually together):
- Participants: your management & communications teams in their crisis roles, engaging with the scenario on laptops or by phone
- Controllers: our facilitators roleplaying a range of stakeholders for participants to respond to, over email, phone or simulated social media
- Observers: review how the participants work together as a team
Simulations typically last around 3 hours – sometimes up to two or three days – with an initial briefing and ‘hot’ debrief immediately afterwards to capture lessons learned and give feedback.
Benchmarking your performance
We conduct or support over 150 crisis exercises and workshops a year worldwide, so we have a wide range of sector and issue experience to draw on when helping clients understand the strengths and weaknesses in their performance.
Our follow-up to simulation exercises helps to identify the areas that need development and put in place training plans or new processes to improve the team’s readiness to deal with crises.
Our Digital Action Plan provides a self-paced, tailored learning platform for teams to build their crisis management skills either in the run-up to an exercise, or as a follow-up in between drills.
How could we help you?
Talk to us informally about how we approach this kind of work, ballpark budgets and timescales – or just to help you refine your brief: email [email protected]

Nous vous aidons à:
- Mesurer la résistance de votre plan de crise face aux réseaux sociaux
- Vous entrainer dans un environnement confidentiel
- Pratiquer votre capacité à répondre rapidement
- Appréhender une multitude de parties prenantes
- Mettre à l’épreuve vos équipes service client
- Répondre à une pression médiatique simulée réaliste