Helpful Links: July

Recently we have:

  • Submitted a skills mapping report to one of our clients: a large global energy company with almost 400 communicators worldwide.  The purpose of this project has been to assess digital skills and confidence, understand the support people need and map out the next 3 years of learning and development. We’re really proud of this work. It’s allowed us to deliver a layer of strategic direction following 6 years of hands-on training with teams all over the world.
  • Launched an online consultation platform for a major transportation company. The work will allow thousands of people to have their say and engage online, something we strongly believe in and encourage the organisations we work with to do. 
  • Published a social media response flowchart



  • Delivered a webinar on adapting social media content to audiences in different countries. We’ve worked with clients on all seven continents so have developed a really good understanding of digital around the world.  Just this month we’ve worked with clients in Brazil, Qatar, and Russia to test their crisis responses. Two key resources for understanding the global digital landscape are Hootsuite/We Are Social’s Digital 2021 and the Reuters Institute’s Digital News Report 2021


Our latest round up of Helpful Links follows:

Crisis and dealing with misinformation

What’s the value of a good crisis response? Fastly’s stock price went up recently as they were dealing with a major incident. The rise is attributed to an increase in awareness of the company and the way they handled the issue

Good monitoring is a vital part of responding to a crisis. The sooner you know about something, the better you can deal with it. TikTok is one of the places you need to keep an eye on.

Google Search will display a warning if the topic searched for is yet to have a decent amount of verified information on the matter available.

The Mayor of Miami-Dade, Daniella Levine Cava, has been very visible in the response and recovery to the Surfside Building collapse recently. She’s done an excellent job at press conferences and online.

She’s used Twitter threads to share statements

Retweeted links to other official sources of information, including daily press conferences by Miami-Dade Police, which were also broadcast on Facebook Live with a sign language interpreter present to maximise reach and accessibility.

She’s also shared community responses such as this one with an authentic message of her own.


Good Digital Comms

Nice gif and use of a twitter thread from the Red Cross. 

This guide to adapting your social media assets for different channels is useful. 

Excellent Twitter account explaining both the work of West Midlands Police and what life is like working with a stoma bag fitted 

Looking for feedback from your audience? Make it easy for them and take your questions to where they are spending their time online. Here’s a governor of a hospital trust using a local facebook group to encourage feedback on hospital services. 

It’s not ideal if your website isn’t working properly, but unless it poses real issues for your audience, don’t chicken out of a light-hearted response. Egg-cellent work here from the Museum of English Rural Life. 


Social Media News

Tips from YouTube on how to build your audience on their channel.

LinkedIn advertising can be a very effective way to reach your target audience. They’ve just published a new guide to help you to get started.

Facebook have been testing live Audio Rooms. For anyone thinking about using audio or setting up a new channel, we have a handy guide of things to consider. 

Twitter is rolling out a subscription service, Twitter Blue, with added features for paying users.

If you have any questions about any of these links or anything else digital please get in touch, we love to help.